A low cost tracking RFID reader of the size of a keyring allows the user to identify and track a specific object. The technology is quite simple to use: a tag (consisting of a microchip and an antenna) is placed on the object to be tracked and a reader is used to capture the data that can be transferred to either smartphones or PCs
TERTIUM Technology has been developing and manufacturing passive RFID readers since 2009 and the company has accumulated extensive experience in the successful implementation of the technology in numerous industries for a variety of applications. The distinctive features of TERTIUM products are:
- Extremely low energy consumption
- Compactness
- Ease of integration
- Ease of use
The Blueberry UHF RFID reader exemplifies these qualities. This compact mobile reader assumes that the user usually has a cell phone and a bunch of keys in his pockets. From this premise we have designed a tiny device which is very intuitive to use. It is so small that it can be a keyring and, by pressing a single button, able to read an RFID tag and transmit the data read to the user’s smartphone

A customized version was developed for BlueBerry UHF reader. This new model of BlueBerry was born from a need identified by Murata, one of the world leaders in the research, production and sale of electronic devices based on fine ceramics, which has created a new RFID tag with reduced dimensions (3.2×1.6×0.55mm ) but at the same time robust and resistant: the MAGICSTRAP micro tag.
The need expressed by the Japanese giant was to optimize the reading and writing on MAGICSTRAP tags, even when the user is on the move, with mobile readers. TERTIUM technology has met the requirement expressed by Murata, developing the Blueberry UHF RFID reader ms 14 mm. The device has been equipped with an external loop antenna, which acts as a viewfinder, able to obtain superior reading performance.

In September 2017, Murata introduced a new RAIN RFID tag on the international market, which also belongs to the MAGICSTRAP product family. This RFID tag has been expressly designed for use on metal components and surfaces. Before the introduction of this tag, the application of tags on metal presented a number of challenges because metal surfaces reflect the signal emitted by the reader and interfere with the communication between the tag and the reader.
To optimise the reading of the information emitted by the tag, TERTIUM Technology has devised a new version of its RFID UHF reader: the BlueBerry UHF ms 4 mm. This reader is equipped with an external antenna, which acts as viewfinder, that allows easy reading of the embedded tag located on a metal surface.

The main feature of our mobile RFID readers equipped with the performing antennas is to be able to read small or micro tag (such as the Murata Magicstrap) embedded or moulded on plastic (loop antenna with diameter 14 mm) and embedded on metal (ring of the loop antenna 4 mm).
Tertium Technology has three versions for every BlueBerry UHF mentioned above:
- HS UHF: which supports both SPP and HID Bluetooth profiles. The HID profile allows the user to transfer data in keyboard emulation mode data to mobile devices equipped with an operating system such as iOS (on iPad®, iPhone®), Android and others.
- iS UHF: an RFID reader/writer that is configured with an iAP (iPod Accessory Protocol) Bluetooth profile which provides two-way communication with iPhones® and iPads®
BlueBerry HS/iS is also an easy way to integrate the RFID communication system on fixed devices that are equipped with an operating system such as Windows, Linux or Mac OS
- LE UHF: which can be connected through Bluetooth Low Energy to any device such as a computer or smartphone supplied with Bluetooth v4.1 (Bluetooth Smart) interface. To connect and use the BlueBerry LE you need a specific application that can connect to a Bluetooth Smart device and manage two-way communication.
The article at the link below provides very useful background in relation to the LE UHF version: new software development tools for TERTIUM RFID readers