
This video shows how customers or shop assistants can simply interact with UHF tagged products using an innovative passive NFC badge. Effortless!

Pawn just successfully scanned… New SCORE: 155      Total SCORE: 9,120 Try to scan another pawn… Next level 10,000 to get the gift This is a demo page for the NFC Passive UHF Converter adopted for gamification  

TERTIUM Technology new RFID device: the NFC Passive UHF Converter.

(a batteryless portable UHF reader with NFC interface – badge form factor)

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TERTIUM Technology prerogative 2: a portable UHF reader with SMA connector on top to connect various type of external antennas.

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TERTIUM Technology prerogative 1: all the new UHF readers have Bluetooth and USB interfaces.

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If you have this doubt, whether to use NFC or RFID technology, you are definitely in the right article!

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Among the various types of RFID readers, the desktop is perhaps the most underestimated category and least talked about.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Commission (EC) have made the traceability of medical devices (MD) a strategic priority

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