Category Archives: Case Study

La Chiesa di San Pietro a Tuscania, situata sulla sommità dell’omonimo colle, è un gioiello dell’arte romanico-lombarda.

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Il monitoraggio si rende opportuno per il controllo e lo studio di fessure presenti in alcuni locali della Parrocchia del Sacro Cuore al Romito (Firenze).

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The Structural Health Monitoring of infrastructures is a necessary tool for ensuring the safety of citizens and of territory.

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In the northern Glacial Sea, in north of Norway, there is a group of islands called Svalbard. The main grouping is the Spitsbergen, which includes 5 large islands and many islets with an area of about 61 thousand square kilometers, 60% of the territory is made of ice and only 10% is covered by vegetation.

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Florence’s Arno river embankment collapses.

This was one of the many articles which you could read on 25 May 2016.

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Conad del Tirreno, operating with the signboards: E.Leclerc Conad, Conad Superstore, Conad, Conad City and Margherita, associates 212 business partners – 120 in Tuscany and La Spezia province, 40 in Lazio, 52 in Sardinia – in 2016, it has generated revenues of over 2.39 billion euros.

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