Why should you use an RFID desktop reader?
Among the various types of RFID readers, the desktop is perhaps the most underestimated category and least talked about.
How to select the right RFID reader?
Are you thinking of purchasing an RFID reader? Superb!!! This article discusses the main factors that need to be considered in selecting a reader.
RFID for Fashion. What are the benefits?
Satisfying the rational and emotional needs related to the product is no longer sufficient.
What we should expect from the IoT for 2019
The exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is now under everyone’s watch. In particular, according to a recent study by IoT Analytics, the IoT market currently has 7 billion connected devices worldwide.
Il ruolo fondamentale del monitoraggio strutturale IoT per la salvaguardia del patrimonio artistico-culturale
L’Italia possiede il più grande patrimonio artistico-culturale del mondo, con oltre 4100 musei, più di 280 aree archeologiche e ben 53 siti UNESCO. Risulta dunque opportuno monitorare lo stato di conservazione di questa ricchezza al fine di garantirne l’importante prestigio a livello mondiale.